Our customers come from the (petro)chemical, plastics, feed, food, dairy, metal, ceramic, paper, graphic, private nets/industry area
We have been active in this segment for years, whether you are talking about logistics, metal, data, printing, biotech, injection molding, construction, meat processing etc. There appear to be problems/challenges on the energy palette everywhere. Our role is to advise, provide insight, make a decision by making legal obligations concrete in steps to be taken for the customer, purchasing and budgets taken out of our hands or guided -> consequences for the customer: cost reduction, energy and CO2 reduction, insight and overview, competitive to market terms and conditions and introduction of flexibility in contract agreements in this changing world/market, further relief and contribution of knowledge.
Currently we see potential for example in the form of: case studies, impact analyses, total solutions, customized purchasing and advice, budget, forecast and contract management.

Best practice

- exposure spot/rest profile/positions/emergency capital.
- Implementation of EB&ODE exemption.
- Guidance procedures ACM.
- Insights in consumption and impact on reduction.