Your energy is our passion. To achieve maximum results, we will continue to advise, support and relieve you in the optimization of your entire energy portfolio. We deliver added value across this entire spectrum. This means that after we have developed your procurement strategy with you, we will assist you in finding the most suitable procurement contract for the supply of (renewable) energy, as well as for the supply of metering services and infrastructure services.
Together with you, we will choose the option that best suits your organization:
European contracting
Bilateral contracting (PPA’s)
Tendering of (renewable) energy
Suppliers offer various types of energy contracts with different terms and conditions. This means that the contract with the most favourable prices and/or surcharges is by no means always the most favourable contract for your organization. On the basis of your purchasing strategy, we will therefore work with you to determine which price structure and type of contract is most suitable for your organization. In doing so, we pay explicit attention to the (financial and legal) risks that you naturally wish to avoid as much as possible. On the basis of the established program of requirements, we put the request or the RfQ out to tender in the market. We will select the suppliers in consultation, with your preference being leading.


Because of our years of experience and because we are on top of the market, we know what to take into account when evaluating the received quotations. We then negotiate with the suppliers of the better offers. Because we are a recognized concept within the energy world and can provide the complete information, we can negotiate attractive discounts and deviating conditions. Finally, we can determine for and with you which weighting factors should be assigned to the risks and opportunities offered by suppliers or finally negotiated.
European contracting
(Semi-) governmental bodies and bodies governed by public law are in many cases required to put out to tender on a European level. When it comes to sustainable procurement, we are leading the way, together with our clients. A European tender for the supply of (renewable) energy (electricity and/or gas), metering services and/or infrastructure services is not easy. In addition to up-to-date knowledge and experience with the European tendering rules, knowledge of the energy markets is essential in order to arrive at the most favourable energy contract. Our specialists closely follow the developments in the field of legislation and regulations of European tenders and the energy market. With this knowledge we advise, assist and support you throughout the entire process. In addition, we can act as central contact point for the candidates and we can take care of the publication and correspondence via digital channels such as TenderNed.

PPA’s (Power Purchase Agreements)

In addition to governments, more and more customers in industry and retail want to switch to sustainable purchasing of energy reduced to the source. This is often done by entering into one or more so-called Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). In this case you, as a wholesale energy customer, enter into a long-term agreement with a producer of renewable energy, either with or without the intervention of a trading party that, for example, assumes program responsibility. You can assign this program responsibility, profiling and imbalance, possibly linked to storage, to different parties. You can also choose whether or not to insure certain risks with such a party.
Because of the direct agreement between producer and buyer, there are mutual benefits to be gained, in both money, risk and environmental gains. At the same time, finding agreement on the terms takes a lot of time. PPA contracts come in various forms, each of which is also very complex, as are the services required to deliver your required profile from the PPA contracts and to invoice this per connection. Conditions from legislation and regulations must be taken into account, as well as the capricious nature of renewable energy production (such as wind and solar energy).


Together with you, we examine whether a PPA could be beneficial to your organization and whether the agreed strategy and objective on, for example, sustainability, can be achieved with it. Should this be the case, then we will support you throughout the entire process, whereby we will map out all relevant aspects and consider them from our helicopter viewpoint. Thanks to our years of experience and knowledge of the market, we know what to look for.
Your benefits
Completely independent
Years of experience
Market Access
Analyzing advantages and disadvantages
At the forefront of innovation
Full care
In short, we advise, assist and guide you in finding the most favorable procurement contract: innovative or traditional. Throughout this process we operate from the interest of your organization: independent, expert and involved!